This is my mood-board showing the influences and themes of the film that I'll be making a film for, in the film the main character works in a boring office job and uses lucid dreaming (controlling your dreams) to live out his perfect life while he is asleep causing him to sleep his life away to avoid his mundane real life.
Picture 1 shows how the main characters imagination provides an escape for him and how his mind is filled with potential, this shows how Geoff uses his imagination when lucid dreaming to escape his life and envision one which he prefers.
Picture 2 is simply a picture of an office as the main character is stuck in an office job that he despises and this is why he wants to escape, this links to picture 4 as this is meant to be a picture of his boss who causes him constant stress by making his work life unbearable.
Pictures 3 and 8 are about dreaming to show how he has become reliant on dreaming in order to get by and the sky and clouds show how Geoff always has his head in the sky and loses his ability to focus on real life problems.
Number 5 and number 7 I have included because in the dream sequences in our film trailer I want to include comic book style sound effects with visual words like "POW" and "BANG" to emphasise that he is in a dream and also because it adds a comedic aspect. We got this idea from the Scott Pilgrim film which is why I have included the image of Scott Pilgrim and the girlfriend showing our inspiration.
Hidden behind all the images is the background of a sky, seen behind the image of Scott Pilgrim and behind image 7, the "WHACK!" This is meant to show how Geoff always has his head in the clouds and once he learns to dream he needs to bring himself down to earth and focus on improving his real life.
Good start.
ReplyDeleteAdd the explanations for the other pictures.
Thanks. I have added more analysis and explanation, I have also separated the analysis for the pictures so it is easier to read and understand.